L: Enjoying the beach R: The parade, complete with funny costumes with a water theme
I caught a fun and fresh feeling on Whidbey Island this last weekend when I was actually overwhelmed with options concerning what to do with the kids, and myself! This has been happening more and more lately. In fact, I have not heard it said in a long while that there is nothing to do on the Island. That used to be a common phrase back in High School. It could be that I am busy with two busy kids and I don't have time to be bored, but . . . I think there are lots of talented and outgoing individuals living here. I am meeting new ones all the time it seems, so give ourself a nice pat on the back if you live here, because you qualify under the above description.
Here are MORE pictures from last weekend's festivities:

Waiting for the parade to start

Here it comes!

L: The whale bell, ring it if you see a whale R: Stella watches the festivities

L: I'm not too sure about those statues, but there is sure to be a story (there are two statues pictured that mark the parade's entrance down to Seawall Park R: Photographers and observers from the Dog House steps

Whidbey's Jim Freeman puts on a show for the people, pictured holding a speaker for the mayor Paul Samuelson as he introduces the new Whale Bell R: Parade Whale with a cool glass eye

L: Whale Bell Inauguration R: exodus to the beach to do some whale watching

the festivities: music, poetry, dancing, and more

L: more exodus to beach R: woman dressed as a star fish

L: people gather at Seawall Park R: some warm whale watchers

Festivities, Mayor Paul Samuelson gives a speech

We are not the only ones whale watching: a tour boat in the Saratoga Passage

L: I'm enjoying the festivities with baby Stella R: one very cute Orca whale beach combing

View up the Saratoga Passage from Seawall Park, Langley

Some whale watchers celebrate with ice cream
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