Monday, April 13, 2009

Beavers, Beavers, Everywhere? A new animal takes up residence at the farm

Sorry for the blurry shot, but this was the best I got. Taken through the lens of binoculars

Above: in order to get a picture of the beaver I took one through the lens of binoculars.

Above: see the island? the the beaver and its sticks are in the middle closer part of the island, just below the little rhododendron bush.

This might not even be so strange, but as you may have heard there was a massive flood in Clinton on Glendale Road that was caused by a beaver dam and heavy rains. I don't live near Glendale either, I live on the other side of the island. But here s/he is, Benna the Beaver, living in our very own pond. Collecting sticks and hanging out just a week (not even) after the Glendale flood. Strange to you too? I grew up on Whidbey and I have never seen a beaver, ever. Until now. So I captured some photos of Benna to show you all. The beaver seems to be making a pile of thin sticks on the island in the middle of the pond. The sticks have been stripped of bark and you can see them in the pictures as well.

Because I am a believer in "everything means something" I had to look up the beaver symbolism and see what kinds of insight I might glean:

Beavers are action oriented animals that work hard and continuously to complete their work of building. below I have included some information that I learned from this website

MEANING: Builder, Completion, Alternatives

Beaver People are learning to look for alternative solutions so that they can complete the projects that they have already started. Beaver's are builders and action-oriented animals; therefore, Beaver is inspiring you to complete your work. Beaver also serves as a reminder that there are many ways to escape as they have prepared many underwater channels with which to move or escape.

When Beaver Medicine grabs your attention it is asking you to use your natural resources to create and build. You may have the idea that there is only one solution to your problem. Beaver seeks to show you that there are many ways to build and escape so that you'll never find yourself trapped or cornered.

(excerpted from

Here is another interesting and informational article about beavers:

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