Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Making a Tent out of a Couch, sheet and some kiddy inspiration

Kids love tents. LOVE tents. Tents, forts, crawl spaces, blankets, tunnels. I'm not sure what it is about kids or tents, but the fact remains: build it and they will come. My kids often request a tent, their fav being the one I make on the couch. We use a couch, a bed sheet (flat), and some hooks from the window blinds. I poke a hole in the sheet to fit on the window blind hook on one side of the couch and then repeat on the other side of the couch. You could put hooks in your wall for this purpose. Then I fold the bottom of the sheet under the couch cushions to make a pretty safe fort that they can't easily fall out of. Which is important because Stella is still a bit uncoordinated with her movements and tends to fall a lot. See pictures below for more info. Happy tent making!

Inside the tent. The girls have toys, seat cushions, and big smiles.

Above: another view of the tent

Playing with each other. You get to hear the chattering, laughing, and even the squabbles.

Above: Stella sees me and . . . (see below)

. . . runs away!


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