I needed to find a book to read while I nursed baby Stella, so I grabbed a few off my shelf and sat down to have a look. I opened "
Sunflower Houses" and
bam!! It was amazing! How could I have never looked at this book before? And where has it been? Did it magically appear? Has it been incubating on my book shelf, waiting for the right time to show itself to me?
The book is written by
Sharon Lovejoy, garden expert and naturalist and has all sorts of inspiring garden ideas to share with your children, or your inner child. Some of the magical ideas in Sunflower Houses are:
- Floral Clock: mark the hours by when the flowers open and close
- Kinder Garden: Tiny Garden filled with plants from A to Z
- "Fish in a Bottle": How to grow a zuke or cuke in a bottle
- Barnyard Garden: like with Colt's foot, bee balm, cowslip, gooseberry, etc.
- A Child's Own Rainbow: Flowers and plants planted in curving rows, one row red, one orange, one yellow, and on. . .
- Butterfly garden
- Sunflower House
- Bean Covered tepee
- Flower People
- Flower Chains
- Leaf Hats
You can see how intriguing these ideas are. I decided on making a bean tepee that very next day and with Stella on my back I chopped down six young alders and began to string them together. I am almost done, I just need to find more hay bale string. The girls loved it when I tied sheet around the tepee and made a little hideout. My plan is to move the tepee to the garden and plant beans all around it and wait for the beans to cover the tepee, all the while enjoying it. I think I will make a couple more tepees now that I see how easy and fun it is! If you are a gardener or want-to-be-gardener and you have kids this book is a MUST HAVE!
SOME LINKS: Also checkout
Sharon Lovejoy's book: "
Roots, Shoots, Buckets, and Boots: Activities to do in the garden"

Lovejoy's Blog and pictures of her bean tepee:
http://sharonlovejoy.blogspot.com/2009/03/spring-is-in-soil-and-air.htmlBuy her books directly from her, personally inscribed:
http://www.sharonlovejoy.com/bookorder.htmlBuy her books at Amazon.com:
http://www.amazon.com/s?ie=UTF8&search-type=ss&index=books&field-author=Sharon%20Lovejoy&page=1Checkout her book:
Sunflower Houses: Inspiration from the Garden (garden discoveries for all ages)
Here is my tepee process, in pictures:

Because the alders are so abundant on the farm, I chose to use them for the tepee. They also grow very straight. On the downside the wood doesn't last long in the elements.

Putting the sticks together: it turned out much bigger than I expected.
Oh what a wonderful note from you and thank you so much for being there for your girls. What a joyful childhood you are giving them. I loved seeing the flowers the girls are tucking into the tepee. Are you going to make flower dolls with them?
I am just finishing a book for Grandmothers (although I think it would be for a Mom like you too), which will be out next Winter. Lots of cooking, art, nature, nature, nature, and gardening. All joys to you and your family and your lovely life, Sharon Lovejoy
Yes, I am going to make flower dolls! I think it could be a whole day long project. Maybe a good Mother's day gift for their grandmas. And thank you for responding. It is pretty amazing to me to just find your book and then make contact this way too! I am anticipating your new book, sounds great!!! love to you!
I just checked this book out from the library a couple of months ago. I heard about it Richard Louv's book (Last Child in the Woods). I loved it! We have our sunflower seeds and are going to try a sunflower house this year.
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