Friday, May 30, 2008

Scenes from the Farm, Our Vegetable Garden, and One BIG Koi

The picture above is the entrance to our vegetable garden. Above that are scenes from the back 5 acres. We love walking from our house through the field into the "Back", as it's fondly referred to, and into the big pasture that has the pond and a small island. It's a great walk for the dogs too. Just last week I caught a glimpse of the very large Koi fish that lives in the pond. It was released there many years ago by my dad and we occasionally glimpse its bright orange color from above on the hill. I also saw baby ducks and their mom. Yo Bear jumped in the water (after the fish, I think) I quickly called him out and snapped some pictures of the Koi. It looked to be 8-12 inches long. Sorry the pictures don't do it justice. WOW!

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