Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Chickens on the Farm and the Eagle

We have about 30 chickens and we sell approximately 5 dozen eggs a week. I say we have 'about' 30 chickens because we also have a very friendly eagle in the neighborhood who swoops down to pick up dinner occasionally. Our chickens have free run of about 1/4 acre. This time of the year the chickens are the most productive egg layers. As the days become shorter the chickens lay fewer and fewer eggs, in a natural ebb and flow.
Our chickens are free to roam and eat anything within their large enclosure. We also feed them our food scraps, yard & garden debris, and chicken layer pellets.
We also have a rooster who protects the flock. We went up to the barn to feed the chickens and noticed the rooster was missing all of his beautiful tail feathers! This legs were scratched up and he looked like he had put up a real fight. We believe the eagle or perhaps a smaller falcon tried to pick him up and he got away.
We have Rhode Island Reds, Golden Comets, Black Australop, Ameraucanas, Buff Orpington, Barred Plymouth Rock, & Light Brahma. Here are some pictures of our chickens.

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