Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Vegetarian Sweet Artichoke, Basil and Cherry Tomato Pasta

Like most people I like a good pasta sauce and noodle dish. My kids and husband like it even more, and they inspired me to make a special recipe just for them (the artichokes are for me!). A little basil for its sweet fragrance and its flowery, earthy flavor. Artichoke hearts for a sweetness that lingers in your mouth, and cherry tomatoes for, well, a fresh tomato flavor!

Here are the ingredients:

Pasta Sauce
1 large can of tomato marinara sauce (I used some from Trader Joe's)
2 ears corn, cut kernels off ears
2 shallots chopped
1 can artichoke hearts in water, chopped into halves or quarters
1/3 cup cherry tomatoes, chopped in half
4 TBS chopped fresh basil
1/4 cup red wine ( and some more for your glass)
soy sauce to taste
butter for frying shallots in pan
pepper to taste

Pasta: 1 package spaghetti noodles, try ones made of rice for a yummy wheat free alternative
Garnish: chopped basil, pepper, and freshly grated Parmesan

How to make the Pasta sauce:
Begin by heating a pan on medium heat. Add a TBS butter and stir in chopped shallots. After 5 minutes (the shallots should be lightly browned and soft) add a large can of marinara tomato sauce, stir and bring mixture up to medium heat. Then add cherry tomatoes, artichoke hearts, and red wine. Cook for 5 minutes then add corn and chopped basil. Continue to cook the sauce for another 5 minutes or so. Serve with noodles, soy sauce, fresh basil, pepper and freshly grated Parmesan.*

Use spaghetti size noodles, cook according to package directions.

****Serve also with a spinach and carrot side salad. Try my favorite dressing:

Easy Homemade Sweet Balsamic Dressing

2 TBS balsamic vinegar
2 TBS olive oil
1 tsp honey
Mix all ingredients thoroughly with a fork, toss with salad and serve. Especially good with spinach salads, and the spinach will not get soggy overnight like lettuce does.

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