Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Cooking in Season: BBQ Tuna, Shallots, Spinach, and Scrambled Eggs in a Sprouted Corn tortilla with Dill-Yogurt Sauce

Above: Kid's plate, small burrito

Above: 2 adult size burritos, with triangle of spinach-cheddar polenta

I like to use ingredients that are local and seasonally appropriate for my cooking. This recipe utilizes eggs, which chickens are laying plentifully this time of the year and cool-loving springtime spinach. My family has also been enjoying Trader Joe's frozen marinated tuna. The best way to cook tuna I discovered is to BBQ it, while watching closely so as not to over cook it even one minute. Tuna is so easy to over cook and when it is cooked too much it becomes hard, dry, and chewy, like canned tuna. Tuna cooked just right is still tender. Luc BBQ'd the tuna about 7 minutes total, but cooking times may vary considerably. Here is the really yummy recipe for the whole meal:
Cooking in Season:
BBQ Tuna, Shallots, Spinach and Scrambled Eggs in a Sprouted Corn tortilla
with Dill-Yogurt Sauce

You'll need:

1 package Trader Joe's frozen marinated tuna (dethaw ahead of time) or any other tuna, about 1 pound worth
1 package sprouted small corn tortillas (steam in a bamboo steamer for optimal taste)

Scrambled Eggs:
3 shallots, peeled and chopped
4-5 eggs
4 TBS red wine
1 TBS butter for cooking

For Topping on the Burrito
2 cups chopped fresh and local spinach
2 cups grated jack cheese
1 avocado, chopped
1/2 lemon, sliced for garnish
handful parsley for garnish

Dill Yogurt Sauce: Mix ingredients and place on dining table
1/4 cup diced fresh dill
1 cup plain yogurt

Begin barbecuing tuna, watching it very closely to avoid over-cooking. Depending on thickness and BBQ temperature it should be around 7+/- minutes total.
Above: BBQ tuna

For the scrambled eggs, heat pan on medium and add butter and chopped shallots. Cook for several minutes then add 4 TBS red wine. Pour a glass for yourself too. Cook until shallots are browned and soft, then add scrambled eggs and stir, cover and turn down heat, stirring occasionally. The eggs will cook quickly as the pan is preheated. Check frequently and remove from heat when done.
Above: browned and softened shallots, ready for the eggs, added BELOW:

While the eggs are cooking prepare the avocado, spinach, lemon slices, parsley, cheese, and dill-yogurt sauce. Place each ingredient in its own bowl on the dining table for optimum presentation. Or arrange on a platter. Be sure to begin steaming the corn tortillas 5-10 minutes before serving dinner.
ABOVE: Spinach, Avocado, lemon, eggs, cheese

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