Saturday, March 20, 2010

Finished the Chuckanut Mountain 50K 2010 . . .

 Race is about to start . . .  it is cooold!  Frost is still on the ground. 
(that's me in the light green long sleeve looking at my watch)
All pictures courtesy of Susan Janow, Thank you Susan!!!

What an amazing day to have a race, clear skies and cool temperatures.  Lucky me, I just barely got into the race.  The race filled up January 1st in five hours.  Somehow I knew I would get into it anyway.  When I heard on Monday at noon (5 days pre-race) that they were opening twenty-five more spots, I knew it was my chance! Monday, at 11:55, I was on the computer refreshing the page.  It was that easy, I was in!

This year's race was fast overall, with many of the Whidbey folks (DSR- Down Sound Racing group) setting PR's.  Go Whidbey!  Overall it was an amazing course with lots of flat, some rolling hills, wooded single-track trails, technical running around the rim of the mountain, grueling chin-scraping hills, miles of downhill on dirt roads and some truly magnificent views of the water and Mt. Baker.  To finish it off, was a final flat 10K, sweeping down to the finish.

I will have a full race story for y'all in the next day or so.  

Post race, trying to stretch, looks like I lost some flexibility (temporarily!)  Do you  like my dramatic "ouch" face?

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