Saturday, January 9, 2010

RIP Laptop 2005-2010

It is time.  Again I am typing on this mini computer because our family laptop, oh my sweet big laptop, fails to turn on despite being plugged in. 

 My husband mentioned that we have had the laptop since 2005, the year Marina was born.  As Marina is just getting old enough to brush her own teeth, go to bed by herself, hold advanced conversations, my computer is in its golden years.  Or perhaps it is on the other side already. Is there another side for said laptop . . .It is truly amazing that technology can be outdated so quickly. 

Perhaps the next big technological invention will be technology that isn't outdated in 5 years, but rather technology that is outdated in 10 or 15 years.  We are moving so fast technologically that new and better inventions are coming out just about every year.  That's what we need in vehicle technology, fast-paced innovations.  A vehicle, as Edgar Cacye predicted we will eventually invent, with a no-fuel motor.  Now that would be a fitting memorial to my outdated computer with a coma. 


Linda Reeder said...

When we bought our last PC over a year ago, I figured if it lasted three years, it would be costing us about a dollar a day. That seemed like such a bargain for what we get back from it that I no longer fret about updating.

Nick said...

Yeah 5 years is a long life. My guess would be that you will not get that long out of your next one. To further make the future look $ $ $ (technology wise)the girls will probably each need one for school and stuff (blogging like their mommy) and so those will also be replaced every couple years. :)