Thursday, September 17, 2009

Late Summer Apple-Plum Crumble Pie

What better way to use summer's bounty than to make a pie?  And what is easier than my version of a crumble?  Inspired by my friend Ashley's mixed fruit crumble, in which she let me in on her secret to a good crumble top.  And it requires no crust.  That's good, because for me, crusts take a lot of time to make!  Here it goes... thanks Ashley!

Crumble: (for 1 pie)
1 cup oatmeal, whole grain
1/2 cup brown sugar
approx 1/4 cup of butter at room temperature or melted
Mix the oatmeal and brown sugar then mix in the butter.  Set aside.

Pie Filling (fruit):
~enough fruit to fill up your pie dish(es), filling a bit over to top of the dish
I used apples, plums, and a pear.  You can use just about any fruit, keeping in mind that some fruits, like plums, are best mixed with other less flavorful fruits (like apples).  Cut fruit into small 1/4 inch pieces.  For a smooth taste peel apples.  I did not peel mine as the apples were quite small and it was still great!
~5 TBS flour
~3 TBS lemon juice
~1/2 cup sugar
~1/4 tsp nutmeg
~1/4 tsp cinnamon
Mix all the above ingredients (minus the fruit).  When thoroughly mixed add to the fruit and spoon into the pie pan.   Next, cover the fruit mixure with the oatmeal crumble.  Bake at 350 F for as long as it takes, making sure not to burn the crumble layer.
above: Marina makes her own creation, and in the foreground, the crumble
Enjoy with whip cream or icecream, hot or cold, and with friends and family!

above: I also made a cobbler, with the same fruit filling ingredients and it was wonderful.  I thought I had a picture of the crumble, but alas, no.  

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