Monday, August 17, 2009

Mt. Baker Summer Hiking in Pictures & Story

Day 1: We finally arrived at our rustic cabin in the woods. There was no Internet, phone, TV, cell coverage. Zip, Nada. I was not-so-secretly pleased to have my husband Luc all to myself this trip. Hee hee. No iPhone to browse on. No clients calling! No machinery to work on (or talk about, save for the van, which did get talked about). Double hee hee. We will be a family of just four. My parents and sisterand her family came up as well and occupied the neighboring cabin.
Day 2: Driving up the mountain back roads in our... van? Pictured above is the result of me putting my hand out the window and taking a pic while I precariously drive, which strangely, Luc did not complain about. It was, perhaps, one of the few things I did that he wasn't afraid of while I was driving. It might sound like I am not a good driver, but I am in fact a great driver. Luc just happens to be a bit of a squealer when it comes to driving up old mountain roads that have no side rail, just lots of feet in elevation. I was soon to discover that so am I, when he is driving the van on the way down the mountain. Hmm.
Some of the beautiful vegetation in the meadows on our hike "Skyline Divide".
Looked like a person to me! Above: roots in the trail
Marina holds Auntie Rachelle's hand on a hike. Also the lens of my camera happens to be foggy, I mean greasy, due to little dirty human paws.
The whole family, stopped to pose, Skyline Divide Trail. Photo taken by Vicky.

I worried for days before our trip about how to carry our hiking necessities (food, water, extra clothes) and the kids. One parent for each kid, but that does not leave us with much space for our other necessities. Nalgene water bags on Ergo packs to the rescue. The weather was so lovely and sunny that I did not bring any extra clothes, and Lucy the dog carried the kids little coats (plus some water). I really appreciated having a doggie backpack! It also slowed Lucy down, as she often runs ahead a bit.
Above: Luc carries Marina, food, water, and extra clothes. Woo hoo!

There were plenty of cool nature sights to photograph. I only wish I had a better camera. I am growing out of my point and shoot!!
The hiking entourage with me in the foreground (self-portrait). Stella is on my back. See that little flap happy fish hat? That is her. She is in the Ergo. Ergo backpack, how I love you with all my being... that is another blog entry though.
Marina found this cool rock at the top of the mountain on the hike "Skyline Divide". Good eyes she has for the interesting...

Auntie Rachelle swings a ballerina Marina
Taking in the view: Lucy, will I ever understand your lack of fear of high precarious cliffs? No, probably not. Is it that you have four feet, instead of my unsteady two? Perhaps. You have a backpack on too Lucy, for goodness sakes!
Marina's hiking wish come true: I want a hike with wild flowers!! This "wish" bordered on demand, and we all caved to her impending melt down. All of us.

Yes, I told her absolutely not to pick the wildflowers and then she (see below pic) ran away and picked more.

Day 3: Twin Lakes hike, or Flies, Flies, EVERYWHERE, biting, buzzing, beating their little wings. Terrorizing the kids. And me. Oh, and two pretty lakes with lots of snow and flowers.

Hiking & carrying Stella: hot & sweaty. The temps were in the 80-90s.

Above: Marina at Twin Lakes. The snow was wonderful and a nice respite from the scorching trail up to the lakes.
Above: view of one of the lakes that makes up Twin Lakes form my high vantage. I ran up the trail for a 1 1/2 mile very steep workout, while the rest of the hiking party ate lunch. It was finally high enough that there were no flies!
Day 4: Luc's Birthday Marina and Stella with Luc's flourless Chocolate Cake. What a lovely and peaceful place to celebrate!

The Crisp, Clean River: is a short 1/2 mile walk form our cabin, and the site of our relief from scorching 90 degree heat. It was so hot at night we had to cool off in the frigid river right before bed to handle the stuffy cabins.
Ahhh, sweet cool relief from the heat!
Above: we had to hike a mile to get to this spot on the river. It was worth it because we were able to jump off the rock (foreground) into the deep pool below. See following pics of me jumping in.

Above: the kiddy pool, closer to our cabin, and still deep enough for adults
Above: another shot of the kiddy pool
Above: holding baby Ida for my sister at the riverside.

Stella enjoyed the sand and mud and was happy to hang out playing quietly

riding the current
sliding over rocks
swimming with my water dog
from rock to rock
grasping and flinging
my body with the current

like filtered water
from the grocery store
it gets in my mouth
as I ride the current down
and it tastes good!


Linda Reeder said...

Lovely post! Such beautiful scenery makes the heat and the flies almost worthwhile, and family fun tips the balance.

Candice said...

Thank you Linda. I love getting feedback! We had such a wonderful trip. There were many contrasts- flies, heat, cool water, loving family, good exercise! Makes for a memorable time.

whidbey woman said...

Yes, the biting flies are horrible right now! But, the scenery sure made up for it.... You had a nice getaway. Wonderful photos. Precious memories!