Monday, August 16, 2010

Breakfast Burritos with Cayenne Pepper

Fresh tomatoes, avocado, creamy scrambled eggs, and Tillamook cheese on a corn burrito sprinkled with cayenne pepper.  What more could you ask in a breakfast burrito?

Breakfast Burritos with Cayenne Pepper
serves 3

6 eggs
1 avocado, sliced thin
1 tomato sliced or diced
6 corn tortillas
1.5 cups grated Tillamook cheese
1 tsp cayenne pepper

The Soft Scrambled Eggs:
There is a special way to make very moist scrambled eggs without the slimy uncooked taste.  The key to this technique is heating the eggs slowly and evenly while stirring continuously.  I heat a cast iron pan on medium heat.  When it is hot enough to sizzle I add a tablespoon of butter then pour in the mixed eggs.  Using a wooden spoon I stir the eggs almost continuously, making sure to get all parts of the pan.  There is an art to this: you want to have the pan temperature hot enough that you aren't standing around stirring the eggs forever.  The heat should be hot enough that the eggs are solidifying visibly each time you stir it and the wet parts touch the heat, but not so fast that you have an egg cake.  The egg should solidify as more of a mashed potato consistency.  Confused yet?  It takes some practice. Salt and pepper to your liking.

Putting the Burrito Together:
Heat corn tortillas in a little butter on medium heat in a cast iron pan adding cheese so that it will melt.  Top with scrambled eggs, chopped fresh tomatoes, avocado, and sprinkle with cayenne pepper. 
Specially scrambled eggs

1 comment:

Whidbey Woman said...

Sounds divine! Will have to try this one. :)