Monday, December 22, 2008

This has to be record breaking snow for Whidbey Island!?

An incredible picture perfect Sunday morning on Whidbey Island. This is the most snow I remember having in 20 some years . . .

What a beautiful day at the farm. The above pictures are from Sunday morning, after we had a fairly mellow storm here on Whidbey Island. Considering the dramatic weather forecasts we had warning Washington state about the extreme winds and snowfall we would get, it was nothing! there was a little more wind than usual and we received several inches (up to 6 inches) of snow. The wind created snow drifts against buildings, fences, and plants.

Below are some before and after pictures. The lesser snow is what we had Sunday morning upon waking. The other one is the snowfall we had upon waking on Monday morning. It seemed like a lot! In some areas it reached my knees, definately above the usual boot level.

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